
A goes to B

See what I did there with the title? Alphabet Films goes to Baltic Film, Media and Arts School 😉

People always say that we, humans learn all our life. That’s exactly, what Alphabet Films (Joonas) is gonna do.

An exceptional opportunity has arrived to study in BFM as a camera operator. This is one of the things that kickstarted my curiosity about filmmaking. From there came editing, graphics design, sound editing, and color grading. It’s the foundation of everything that I like to do.

As many of you may know, camera operators and colorists work closely together. The choices made by the operator on set greatly affect the final visual look of a film or commercial. Everything from lighting, contrast ratios, camera choice, lens, filters, set design, and wardrobe all play a role in the color grading process. The colorist then helps to achieve the desired look by digitally enhancing lighting, color science, and adding post-effects such as halation, film grain, blooming, and softness to the image. A colorist is like a camera operator in a digital world, rather than on set.

That’s why I see this opportunity as an excellent chance to enhance both of these aspects of my filmmaking skills. By becoming a better camera operator, I will gain the experience necessary to later on, paint the frames with better knowledge and creative vision.

Fun fact: This isn’t my first attempt at getting into BFM. Two years ago, fresh out of the military, I applied to the school with the goal of becoming a film editor. I made it through the trials, but ultimately fell out after just two tests. At the time, I was devastated, as I felt that editing was my path to joining a team with a shared goal. However, looking back, I realize that my perspective has changed. Back then, I enjoyed working alone in a dark room with just me, my computer, and the footage. But now, I’ve come to appreciate the camaraderie on set even more. Being on set is full of passionate, knowledgeable, and kind people who are willing to share their experiences. It’s a great place to learn and grow as a filmmaker.

Filmmaking, for me, is the best of both worlds. I get to socialize with like-minded individuals on set, and then retreat to the “darkroom” of color grading to get the necessary distance and perspective to perfect the final product. I am excited to have another opportunity to study at BFM, this time as a camera operator, and to continue my journey as a filmmaker.

IMG 0900 Alphabet Films Alphabet Films
That's us. The new operators